STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

STM32H7 FDCAN clock issue

Hello all,I have trouble running FDCAN on an STM32H742VG rev V when the cpu clock is above 300 MHz. I have D1CPRE = DIV1HPRE = DIV2D2PPRE1= DIV2leading to the maximum allowed APB1 peripheral clock (= fdcan_pclk) for cpu clock >= 300 MHz (75 MHz for c...

Resolved! CubeMX migrates automatically to 6.10.0

I open project which was created with CubeMX in version 6.8.0 and get pop-up window:I click continue and project opens but when I just save project even without changing anyting Cube version for the project changes to 6.10.0.I can see the change in ....

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Resolved! USB STM32G0B1KCT6 not working

Hi I have used STMCubeIDE 1.11.0 (Cube 1.6.1) to generate the code for USB CDC interface for STM32G0B1.The code is as CubeMX would generate. I have not modified the code at all.When I plug the device into a PC I get "USB device not recognized" I have...

DCorn by Associate III
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CubeMX file import disabled

I am trying to use one of the STM32G examples for a USB device. The example is for STM32G474-EVAL and I would like to try it on Nucleo-G431KB.Following the instructions I found I have created a new CubeMX project, I did NOT make any changes to the co...

SidPrice by Associate III
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CubeMX 安装时候报错

CubeMX 安装时候报错错误:找不到或无法加载主类com,st,stm32cubeide,commonservices,mxjar.core,mx,main,SelflnstalJar原因: java ana,ClassNotFoundException: stm32cube.ide,,,main,SelflnstalJai安装最新的java8u391会报错,我试了很多个发现jdk21可以安装,但是安装过程中会报上述错误,打...

Zhiyi by Associate
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Resolved! CubeMX generate code made my code disppear

I am using the Wireless Connectivity software pack, which automatically generates Wi-Fi and bluetools code files. Due to specific requirements, I have made some modifications to parts of the code files and configured additional pins using CubeMX's IO...

Resolved! LINKEDLIST: incomplete generated code

When code for LINKEDLIST for STM32U575 will be generated (linked_list.c) with STM32CubeMX 6.9.2 several lines are missing. In the attached ioc file (which is only for illustrating the effect) the commands for e.g. setting DMA_DEST_DATAWIDTH_BYTE are ...

FB1 by Associate II
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Hi,I am trying to figure out to make HRTIM burst DMA working. I want to update timer period, compare1, compare2, and compare 3 registers by using burst DMA. There is not much information about this. There are two postings in the community posted seve...

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JRyu.1 by Associate
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