How to disable Write Protection of a SD Card?
Posted on December 05, 2011 at 14:37Hi Everbody,I try to disable the write protection of a SD card? How can i use CMD29 to disable the write protect?
Posted on December 05, 2011 at 14:37Hi Everbody,I try to disable the write protection of a SD card? How can i use CMD29 to disable the write protect?
Posted on December 09, 2011 at 14:39Hi, I want to measure the clock of my stm32f225rg chip. I am doing it by toggling the bit of gpio port B and checking using scope. Rather than using the routines in the standard peripheral library, I am programm...
Posted on December 06, 2011 at 21:27hi, I have a stm32f103zet6 board and im using keil. the external crystal (HSE) has 16mhz. When im setting up my USART2 @ 38400bau in Keil Debugger it shows me that its running with 12668 baud ??? (=38400/3,19). ...
Posted on December 08, 2011 at 20:04Hi, I'm using ADC with DMA and periodically erasing the flash pages. But the dma interrupt is not fired while i'm erasing the flash pages. I'm also using a lot of flash constants in my code. Is it possible to avo...
Posted on December 08, 2011 at 22:01hi everyone,Two boards communicate via SPI, I try to read what master sends to slave and what slave responds with my STM32 eval board.I simply connected 3 wires to CLK, CS and MOSI lines of master IC to three GPIO...
Posted on December 08, 2011 at 19:32From their respective RMs: STM32F1... 0x4002 2000 - 0x4002 23FF Flash memory interface STM32F4... 0x4002 2000 - 0x4002 23FF GPIOI Thus a project predicated on STM32x compatibility must have at least different I/O ...
Posted on December 06, 2011 at 10:43I tried to build examples from stm32f4discovery_fw package for stm32f4-dicovery board. And I have a incorrect CPU timing settings. Some examples. I tried to make TIM_PWM_Output example with 2.5kHz PWM. /* Comput...
Posted on December 07, 2011 at 02:00Hi, its me again :) i have my stm32f103ze USART2 with 38400 baud connected to a bluetooth modul that uses rx, tx, rts, cts. I must send some commands to the bluetooth device via USART: /* USART2 Clock an*/ ...
Posted on December 06, 2011 at 15:283.5'', 4.3'' and 7'' TFT LCD modules with Touch Panel & LCD Controller (such as K350QVG-V1-F / K350QVG-V2-F) are provided. They have true TFT LCD colors and 8-bit/16-bit 8080 system or 3-wire/4-wire SPI interface ...
Posted on December 07, 2011 at 19:58I'm trying to locate CAD Symbols for the SMT32 family. I'm currently using Eagle/Cadsoft, with Microchip I download a file then use Ultra Librarian to convert to Eagle. #cad-symbols-pad-layout