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Forum Posts

GPIO remap order of operations

Posted on October 08, 2012 at 23:13The STM32 CMSIS examples I've seen show the remap function (e.g., GPIO_PinRemapConfig(...)) being called before the GPIO_Init() function. Must the MAPR and MAPR2 remap register fields be assigned prior to assigning...

Help designing STM32F107 Breakout board

Posted on October 08, 2012 at 18:24Hi,I am designing a breakout board for STM32F107RCT6, my main requirements are: Minimum componentsProgram reflash via DFU modeAble to use the DFU USB as a Virtual Com Port in user applicationBased on my research,...

shilpa by Associate
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Instruction Prefetch and Fast Conversion

Posted on October 04, 2012 at 09:06Hallo everyone, I am working for a Company, which currently develops a new product. We currently evaluate the STM32F20x processors. The processor shall convert voltage and current simultaneously and some other inpu...

ADC in continuous mode

Posted on October 08, 2012 at 16:07Hello! I have a couple of questions on using ADC module in continuous mode. 1. Is there any possibility to stop ADC conversions with timer, kind of timer clock gating mode? 2. Now I use timer ISR in a following way...

beatle7 by Associate
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Posted on October 08, 2012 at 15:25If I enable three pins from the same ADC (eg ADC3) to acquire three different signals how do I retrieve the data of the three pins? using the DMA? please attached a few lines of code as an example?thanks

orn by Associate II
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newbie q's

Posted on October 06, 2012 at 05:14Background: I do stuff with Arduinos now. Win XP. Discovery4 make the most sense to begin with? Do these boards include an IDE, debugger, and a compiler, so 100% ready out of the box to do something? Is there any s...

db by Associate II
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