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Forum Posts

High Speed Offload?

Posted on January 14, 2013 at 14:30I've been working with several sensors connected to the STM32F4-Discovery board using interfaces such as SPI and I2C at rather high data rates.  Well...maybe not that high of data rates, but fast enough where USART...

PWM Time shifting signal

Posted on January 09, 2013 at 17:20 Hi, I program a PW M sig nal in PB4 port using TIM3 using this program int main ( void ) { while (1) { TIM3->CCR1 = 1000 ; } } /*____________________________TIM3_______________________...

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bmwael1 by Associate II
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Generate series of two pulses with STM32 timer

Posted on January 15, 2013 at 10:33I use STM32 MCU for controlling TRIAC phase control circuit. Timer's PWMI mode currently used for capturing AC period (T) and zero-crossing error (dz). On period capture event I need to generate two pulses with equ...

easphyx9 by Associate
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defuse demonstration

Posted on January 14, 2013 at 21:07hello all,I am a new user for ST uC. I bought a new STM32F4DISCOVERY, i do not know where i can download DFUse Demonstration. If you know, please tell me. Thanks

liw by Associate
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use SWD connection on discoveryL board and J-link

Posted on January 11, 2013 at 17:43Hi,For the moment I'am using the STM32l discovery card (stm32l152R8 chip). I write a programm to toggle led and i donwload it with st-link V2 which is integratted on the board.It's working. Now I would like to conn...

connecting lcd to stm32f4 module

Posted on December 16, 2011 at 05:30Just starting out with the eval board, and my question is what pins are used to connect an lcd to the board? The only info on the data sheet is it uses fsmc function for lcd interfacing. This does not explain whic...

jara8462 by Associate II
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