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Forum Posts

Needed memory for embedded linux

Posted on March 28, 2013 at 07:12Hi,      I have to know whether how much amount of program memory will need to debug a Embedded linux in controller as well as needed RAM size to load the linux application. Am new to this platform, So could you plea...

Number of ADC channels in STM32F207Zx?

Posted on March 27, 2013 at 21:57Hi, Trying to get my head around how many ADC channels that are available in STM32F207Zx chip. Datasheet p14 Table3 claim ''Number of channels = 24''. Also on p.1 ''ADC with up to 24 channels''. OTOH, Reference manua...

optifier by Associate II
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Code Red / Red Probe with the 32F4 DISCOVERY board

Posted on March 26, 2013 at 12:43Hi Folks I just thought that I would say that using the Code Red tools with the Discovery Board is quite simple:Move the soldered links on SB3 and SB7 to SB2 an SB6.Then all the debugger signals are available on the ...

bl by Associate II
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How fast can the timer inputs count?

Posted on March 28, 2013 at 00:02  How fast can a timer input count (M4)? I want to repeat triggering an event after a certain number of counts of a very accurate clock (as fast as I can use). #advanced-timers

STM32F1xx USB Custom Hid Example Error

Posted on March 27, 2013 at 18:29 Hi All, I've found mistake in examples from st for stm32f1xx in usb custom hid project. In usb_prop.c file is defined string descriptor: ONE_DESCRIPTOR String_Descriptor[4] = { {(uin...

internal command error st-link

Posted on March 27, 2013 at 07:40When I try to debug my target board with stm32f103rbt6 with st-link (from discovery board), I get a message ''internal command error''. After, I get few messages ''Error while attempting to read 64 bytes from memory ...

ss2 by Associate II
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Stop interrupt during BootLoader

Posted on March 27, 2013 at 02:31Hi. I am using AN2557 appilication as my base line for BootLOader. I have some question. 1. If I use the systick int during that time, is there any period I have to close it , like during FLASH programming or going t...

Barbie by Associate II
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USB MSC Host issues

Posted on March 26, 2013 at 14:43I'm using an STM32F105VC Z; the hardware design is about a year old and has worked fine with the exception MSC flash recognition. The MSC system software is based on the OTG 2.1 and HOST libraries and the MSC example...

mjscott by Associate II
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Flash loader demonstrator V2.6.0 command line problem

Posted on March 27, 2013 at 10:59I did not receive response for my previous question; Here is the exact description of the problem. Command below c:\''Program files\STMicroelectronics\Software\Flash Loader Demonstrator''\STMFlashLoader.exe -? return...

var2 by Associate III
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