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STM3240G-EVAL - Demonstration Builder

Posted on February 07, 2014 at 21:34I have a STM3240G-EVAL:    Evaluation board for STM32F407 line - with STM32F407IG MCU. I am trying to decide on an RTOS, toolchain, libraries, … for a new project where we selected an STM32F4 as the processor. I ...

ssmail by Associate II
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Question about SDIO FIFO

Posted on February 08, 2014 at 16:36I made my own SDIO library and it is working fine , but I wanted to increase the transfer rate , so I read on the datasheet that the FIFO has 32 entry , while the KEIL defined only one FIFO register , so Are there...

Problem with arm_rfft_q15 in STM32F407

Posted on February 06, 2014 at 08:41Hi, I have a problem in using arm_rfft_q15. When I use this instruction in my application, some of buffers in my application were changed. I defined all other variables globally. In my application, I want to perfo...

ali by Associate II
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Posted on February 08, 2014 at 13:09Apart from the register structure what is the difference between GPIOx_ODR and GPIOx_BSRR? Is GPIOx_BSRR an abstraction layer for GPIOx_ODR? I know that a change in GPIOx_BSRR ''will'' change the GPIOx_ODR but how...

unrealex by Associate
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Low-power management reset

Posted on February 07, 2014 at 16:45Dear All, I would need help to understand one feature of the STM32F10x or STM32F2xx: I do not understand the purpose of the ''reset that can be generated when entering the Standy or Stop mode'': What is the reason...


Posted on February 07, 2014 at 21:54 I didn't see a formal way to log bugs against the standard peripheral library, so I figured I would at least submit a note here. The header file (stm32f30x_iwdg.h) for the IWDG in the standard peripheral libr...

jared by Associate
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Strange STM32L152CBT6 Hard Fault issues

Posted on January 21, 2014 at 22:43Hi all, I''ve spent three strange nights of trying to find solution for the following issue.No success yet.I'll be very glad for any advice how to solve it.I've designed a board with STM32L152CBT6 (48pins)Low power...

dadman by Associate II
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ADC_GetConversionValue(ADC) == 0 ??

Posted on February 06, 2014 at 21:35 Hi I'm getting sometimes 0 from my ADC conversation but this can't be possible. Pls correct me pls if I say something wrong. I'm working with the STM3210E-Eval board it has an STM32F103GT proc...

samed by Associate II
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