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Forum Posts

SPI to the LSM9DS0 using only four pins

Posted on February 23, 2014 at 09:41Quick question: I've got a 4-pin SPI port on an STM32F3 available (and no other pins; they're all occupied) and I need to talk to an LSM9DS0 sensor. The LSM9DS0 has two separate SPI interfaces, one for the gyro pa...

evan2 by Associate II
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Bare metal java with STM32 cube

Posted on February 21, 2014 at 11:52Hi,I am trying to evaluate/build a bare metal java application for my STM3240g eval board as described in the application note I found at tutorial...

Where is STM32L152RE datasheet?

Posted on February 19, 2014 at 09:44The new Nucleo board lists a STM32L152RE on it, but I can't find a STM32L152RE datasheet for the microcontroller on  I did find datasheets for STM32L152R* parts with less memory, but I can't find STM32L152...

sbmeirow by Associate II
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ADC Injected mode

Posted on February 17, 2014 at 17:43Hello Can any one help me how to configure the ADC of the stm32f3 in the injected trigered mode.(TIM1 CC4 trigger).

STM32F1x USB virtual COM-Port CooCox CoIDE Project

Posted on January 27, 2014 at 14:41Hey everybody,I searched the whole myST forum and almost the whole internet. Can anybody provide me with a CooCox CoIDE example project that is working along with the above mentioned MCU? In the optimal case it's s...

bernhard by Associate II
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about i2c

Posted on October 08, 2012 at 16:51The i2c of STM32 is a world-wide-known SHIT for a long time, why st wouldn't redesign the i2c? #stm32-i2c

gpsvrs by Associate
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can not display sprintf to LCD ?

Posted on January 11, 2014 at 22:28Guys, Why suddenly sprintf doesn't work ? It was working yesterday, I shut down the power supply now, it's not giving me a good response code : uint32_t /*Tmp,*/THH,TMM,TSS,WEEKDAY,DATE,MONTH,YEAR;  unsigned char d...

USART problem

Posted on February 17, 2014 at 14:24Hi! I tried to establish USART connection between my STM32F103RB with PC and I cannot do it. I searched many topics and forums and tried different possiblities and nothing worked. I also tried to make a USART con...

piotr2 by Associate
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Posted on January 17, 2014 at 15:39What kind of board is this?What's the catch? It looks like almost free compared to other STM32-boards with any kind of display.I've been thinking of buying myself a toy-board to play with, and this looked like capa...