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Forum Posts

How to retrieve 8MHz from 168 MHz processor

Posted on April 11, 2014 at 08:21I've got STM32F407VE controller that works at 168 MHz. I need to get a 8 MHz clock frequency from it and I guessed to use a timer in PWM mode, but they all have a 42 MHz or 84 MHz clocks and so I can't use approriate...

sminder by Associate II
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Discovery board PWM output example period value

Posted on April 14, 2014 at 22:17Hi all, just a simple question hopefully,In the peripheral example for configuring TIM3 for PWM output, calculations for working out PSC and ARR values are given, comments supposing to explain them.The bit thats conf...

chronometer STM32F4

Posted on April 14, 2014 at 19:51Hi, I am trying to create a chronometer runs in parallel with my main program. For my part I have created a delay function that works perfectly. And I tried to make the stopwatch with sysTick but its does not work.  ...

haythem by Associate II
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a reset in IAP, sp or ram or ...??

Posted on April 14, 2014 at 10:56Hello everybody , I have a firmware which runs whose offset adress is 0x9000 and on stm32f105RC (256 KB Flash, 64K Ram). It is a iap sw that runs on stm32f205 I am trying it to run on stm32f105.NVIC_SetVectorTable(NV...

arge by Associate III
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PWM: drive output low in disabled mode

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 16:26I'm using TIM1 for a 6-step motor control on a STM32F2xx. According of the table 4 in DM0004234 application note, I update OCxE and OCxNE at each commutation, to select a new step. When OCxE = 0 and OCxNE = 0, the ou...

stinguely by Associate II
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Overrun errors with two USART interrupts

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 11:09Using two USARTs running at 115200 baud on a STM32F2, one to communicate with a radio module and one for serial from a PC. The clock speed is 120MHz.When receiving data from both USARTs simultaneously overrun errors ...

about baudrate of USART

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 17:24in the post you gave  that: 9600*25/8, i used it and run correct, but you can describe more about it, in the example of stm32f4 alway use 9600 or 115200.Thank you so muchLe van tuyen

levtuyen by Associate
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DS1307 and STM32 ?

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 12:15Guys Does anyone of you have experience using DS1307 with STM32 ? Any links / references ? Thank