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Forum Posts

USB Disconnect circuit

Posted on August 19, 2014 at 13:45I've been looking through STM32 development board circuits to find the best way to connect the USB disconnect. I found the above circuit from the STM3210E-EVAL board, but all of the ST boards appear to have similar ...

joe23 by Associate II
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STM32Cube MX (STM32F407G) HAL + FreeRTOS

Posted on August 14, 2014 at 18:46hi, I'm novice with  STM32CubeMX   HAL + FreeRTOS    with  KEIL  MDK-ARM ulink2 I have problems, with SysTick probably, HAL_RCC_ClockConfig, because it genere HardFault_Handler. When xPortSysTickHandler() in SysTic...

jose2 by Associate
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questions about FreeRTOS and interrupts

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 23:20Hello,First of all, In a PIC32 environment, I usually fix a value for the heap somewhere in the IDE project settings, do I have to consider this while working with Atollic and STM32F4 ?I am new to STM32 MCU's and I ...


Posted on August 15, 2014 at 18:56Dear friends. Show me please my mistake. When I debug the following program I even cannot get to ISR... I stay in infinite loop... Thanks! void EXTI0_IRQHandler (void); int main(void) {   /*!< At this stage the micr...

baev_al by Associate II
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Posted on August 18, 2014 at 18:11 Hi, I want to communicate with an i2c eeprom, I am able to send the first data but not the second. it seems that the buffer is full or there is another error somewere. Does anyone have an idea? #inclu...

How the UART works ?

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 16:20Hello,I'm discovering the STM32F407 with an STM32F4Discovery, in the past, I worked with a PIC32, and I see that there is many differences between those two microcontrollers.I want to understand how the UART periphe...

stm32f3 and stm32f4 library functions

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 16:17So this maybe a very stupid and noob question: Are the library functions of stm32f4 and stm32f3 the same? I have been working on stm32f4 for quiet a while and had written a large amount of code for a certain project...

furqan by Associate II
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