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Forum Posts

Nucleo-STM32F072RB direct USB firmware flashing

Posted on August 22, 2015 at 21:36hi folks, i've a soft spot for the STM32 series after managing to make a USB audio device a couple of years ago, using a lowly STM32F103.  so for a new project i am delighted to find that the price has reduced consi...

lkcl by Associate II
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STM32F411RE Problems

Posted on August 16, 2015 at 20:22Hello, I try to send a message out via uart, every time I press a button. The init of uart works, because there I send the first message, but if I would do that in the main it brakes every time in the HAL_GPIO_INIT(...

STM32F4: Can bus timing and STM32CubeMX

Posted on August 23, 2015 at 10:47Hi guys,i'm try to understand can bus configuration. I need to know if what is in my mind is correct.I'm using a STM32F4 discovery with the CAN1 configured on pin PD0 and PD1.I see on the forum that the CAN frequenc...

roberto23 by Associate II
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How to use ''boot from SRAM'' ?

Posted on August 23, 2015 at 09:12Some STM32 MCUs have the ability to boot from SRAM. Eg STM32L4x6, pulling BOOT0 and BOOT1 high, the MCU will boot from SRAM1 mapped at address 0x00000000. Does anyone know what the use-cases for this are? The SRAM s...

knielsen by Associate II
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stm32 lwip large udp packet processing problem

Posted on August 22, 2015 at 16:48Stm32f407lwip 1.4.1 when trying to process udp packets in a simple socket based udp echo server with mtu size of 1500 bytes echo failed at packet payload size of 1472 bytes. Fixed this by changing hardware checksum ...

SWD floats, STM32F2, code don't run

Posted on August 13, 2015 at 08:391. I am using STM32F205, with serial wire debug, composing reset, clk, data & gnd pins.2. Whenever I connect debugger my code runs perfectly. But without debugger, sometimes code just don't run. I am toggling a pin ...


Posted on August 21, 2015 at 23:48  Is there a hardware FIFO for USART6 and if so what size in bytes ? If not, example code of putting a FIFO in the interrupt handler ? How about the other USARTs and UARTs, do they have hardware FIFO ?

doreen by Associate II
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STM32 library: What is the best?

Posted on August 21, 2015 at 22:35Hello to all the forum,i'm new to the STM32 platform, i have buy the STM32F4 discovery board, and i have started some basic test with Eclipse and GCC for ARM.I have started my work with the HAL library, with success...