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Timer 2 on STM32F401C Discovery Board

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 16:57Hi all,I've just started playing with the STM32F4 on the STM32F401C Discovery board, and had some strange behaviour (slowed down time) when attempting to generate a 1ms TIM2 interrupt.From the reference manual fo...

psdeering by Associate II
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Power supply 5v then 3v is it possible ?

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 15:17Hello,I use  STM32F429I Discovery-Board to make my project and my question is about power supply available on this board.I would to know,if it's possible to recover 3V from P2 if  I supply the board by an externa...

Input capture in STM32F103RC

Posted on September 01, 2015 at 11:41Hi     I was trying to configure the input capture in STM32F103RC , and facing issues , The configuration is done as follow  I was trying to configure TIM1 CH3 , RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN;     NVIC_Ena...

EXTI_Input Capture

Posted on September 11, 2015 at 13:23Hi ,I'm using STM32F103 and i have an input signal on Timer1_ch3 (PA10) which generates an EXTI interrupt and it's working well.I have another input signal on Timer2_ch3, but something strange happens when i conn...

nechi by Associate III
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SPI DMA stall time

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 17:17I'm trying to use SPI with DMA and have had an issue in that data packets are sent too close to one another, based on the SPI stall time needing to be 2us between packets. Is there anyway I can set this through t...

STM32F0 discovery - newbie

Posted on September 08, 2015 at 09:22Hi to all, I wanted to start a project using STM32 MCU and I would ask where can I find the first basic instruction. I have a STM32F0 board, but I don't know how to interface with pc. I downloaded ST_LINK, and I ...

STM32's Low power mode

Posted on September 04, 2015 at 20:18 Hello! I have a problem with low power mode on stm32f103 and stm32f4 When I try to put them in Stop mode they still consume about 4-5mA which is too much ( it should be about 300uA). Here's the imageh...

Oscillator sharing on STM32F4 board & SMBus doubts

Posted on September 10, 2015 at 07:48Hello Dears,We would like to share the 32.768 oscillator with STM32F405 mcu and with LPO pin of ST Bluetooth module SPBT2632C2A. Is it possible to connect the OSC32_IN or OSC32_OUT pin to LPO pin of bluetooth mod...

harinath by Associate III
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