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TouchPadSynth demo for STM32F7 Discovery Board

Posted on December 20, 2015 at 03:02The STM43F7 Discovery board is well suited for use in audio synthesis.It has enough memory and enough processing power to produce audio, the peripherals to channel that audio to headphones or an onboard or externa...

Demonstrating Ada 2012 on STM32F407 board

Posted on September 22, 2014 at 08:00This is the 3rd of a series of blog posts showing AdaCore Ada2012 on the STM32F407 Discovery board. #ada

kk6gm by Associate II
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Spi dma

Posted on December 18, 2015 at 16:40Hi i am using stm32f4 discvery. i have configured spi for display nd it works perfectly.Then i have included the DMA, but its not working when i am checking the flag./* checking the below flag */while (DMA_GetFlag...

arunl4g by Associate II
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USB data FIFO map: question of newbie

Posted on April 10, 2013 at 19:56Hi all, As I said previously, I am learning USB and reading and reading again the USB spec. I want to understand the USB dta FIFO. In fact in table ''Data FIFO access register map'', there is an address range. For ex...

UART Overrun error while Transmitting data

Posted on December 18, 2015 at 12:25I am trying to communicate with the UART peripheral using DMA for both RX and TX. I am using the HAL library that is supplied by ST (Generated with STCubeMX).I am handling a UART channel with 1.5MBaud - so in orde...

stm32F051 discovery Timer1 PWM

Posted on December 17, 2015 at 19:59 Hi, I am trying to get a PWM Signal out of my discovery board but I must be missing something. I started with a writingthe registers directly, then I tried it with the peripheral library. Ilooked at vario...

tergu by Associate II
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Programming Error on NOR Flash (STM32F7 Eval)

Posted on December 16, 2015 at 12:06Hi,We are having difficulty programming the external NOR flash on the STM32F7 Eval board from the  STLink utility - it appears to be a programming timing issue.It will program from 0x60000000 to say 0x600069D0 ok,...

AndyJT by Associate III
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