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Forum Posts

IDB05A1 - Help me decipher HCI event

Posted on February 13, 2017 at 12:56 I amsuccessfully able to communicate with my IDB05A1 from my nucleo-64 board. I make it discoverable and pair my phone to it. However immediately after pairing, the device disconnects from my phone. Befo...

Resolved! Strange behavior of STM32L053 ADC

Posted on February 01, 2017 at 18:02HiBy writing a program for very simple one channel ADC I faced with very strange behawior of the ADC in my MCU. During tests of the A/D converter, I read Vrefint (channel 17). If very shortly after calibration, ab...

STM32CubeMX import bug?

Posted on February 09, 2017 at 20:12Hello all,I am using STM32CubeMX Version 4.19.0. I developed my project using Nucleo F446ZE which uses the LQFP package. It's all working great so now I need to move to the deployed package which is the F446ZEH UF...

STM32L476VG RTC overflow

Posted on September 14, 2016 at 12:16Dear Gents,I am having a little bit of trouble with the RTC on the STM32L476VG. Can anyone tell me please what is the maximum date that the RTC can calculate? Is there an overflow interrupt? I can't find in the s...

mejrissi by Associate II
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How to display image via LCD_WriteBMP()

Posted on February 12, 2017 at 15:23Hi,I need a example of displaying bitmap image with LCD_WriteBMP(uint32_t BmpAddress) function available in stm32f429i_discovery_lcd.c and similar libraries of stm32.I need a complete procedure including the way o...

meh mat by Associate
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Flash update via USART

Posted on February 06, 2017 at 09:29Hi guys,is there any possibility to update the STM32F303 via USART. I have two controller, one as a master the other one as Slave. The Master is connected via RS485 to a Host PC. I want to set the update the Maste...

TIM2 CH3 and CH4 ic az the same time?

Posted on February 11, 2017 at 20:39 Hy. I have a stm32f407vgt. I would like to use all TIM2 input compare for DMA trigger. I don't understand that the TIM2_CH4 is at two dma streams, and one of them with CH2, so how can i use all 4 channels at t...

Best way to clone stm32f103 to new board

Posted on February 09, 2017 at 19:33What I have are two identical boards except for the firmware on one is newer than the other. I thought it should be fairly easy to copy the memory from one to the other . I have a st-link v2 and can copy the firmw...