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What the __STM32F?xx_HAL_VERSION constant, defined in stm32f?xx_hal.c (where ? is STM32 cpu series) is for ?I would like to use this constant to check at compile time and display at run time what is the HAL library used in the firmware...But with my ...
Posted on April 04, 2017 at 16:29Using the attached cube project TestSTM32F051R8_TimError.iocWhen I generate the source codes the CubeMx version  4.20.0 produces the following initialization code for the timers (I used only TIM1 and TIM3) but the er...
Posted on March 23, 2017 at 19:38The problem is a complier error because in the cube MX (version 4.20.0)for the STM32F373R8Txusing ADC1 (12 bits ADC) I can choose, in the configuration tab,ADC1 and as external trigger source for regular conversion t...