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Forum Posts


Posted on March 19, 2017 at 15:22Hallo.Ich habe mal eine ganz bescheidene Frage.Wie konfiguriere ich bei einem STM32F030x die beiden Pins (PF0/1) als Ausg�nge?Im Datenblatt steht, dass diese angeblich nach Reset als solche benutzbar sind. Leider kla...

DCMI to memory, memory to UART, DMA Transfer

Posted on September 25, 2013 at 13:01Hi,I want to receive datas from DCMI interface and then transfer it to UART interface through DMA.To do that, I am plannig to receive each Byte from the DCMI interface store it into a buffer using DMA and then tr...

1 uS delay with timer ?

Posted on March 19, 2017 at 21:51Hello Everyone,Does every one know on how to create a simple 1 uS delay with timer ?Thanks#stm32f1xx #timer #delay-1us

Calculate rcc with stm32f10x

Posted on March 14, 2017 at 17:23Hi,Here is my input datayou assume that I have 4 variables such as Data1,Data2,Data3 and Data4 that store each byte (Data1 saves d24-d31 and Data4 stores D0-D7). So I want to know how can I execute Crc-8 algorithm in...

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STM32L053 EEPROM writing going to HardFault

Posted on March 17, 2017 at 23:00Hi!I am trying to write s string into the EEPROM of a STM32L053.I create a strcpy like funtion, using STM32L0xx HAL Libraries:for writing the EEPROM I use this sequence of HAL functions.char ascii_string[200];HAL_FLA...