NEC Infrared Remote Not Working With Timer+DMA+UART
Posted on August 29, 2017 at 09:34The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Posted on August 29, 2017 at 09:34The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Posted on August 30, 2017 at 11:16 Hello community, Iwould like to configure Timer 2 of my STM32F103C8 to use it as a simple overflow interrupt service and Iwould like to do this in assembly language. On page 198 of the reference manual i f...
Posted on August 24, 2017 at 22:04HelloI'm about to start a project and the STM32F303ZE seems like a perfect part. I was reading through the Reference Manual and I found in the section 15.3.11 Channel selection (SQRx, JSQRx) that the ADC1 is connect...
Posted on August 28, 2017 at 13:22The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Posted on August 30, 2017 at 13:06Hi,Actually i am using STM32F103VBT6, But now my code exceeds 128KB.So with out changing my circuit can i use any of other Controllers of STM32F103 series which has more flash size and package should be LQFP100.Fast...
Posted on August 30, 2017 at 11:26Hello,I'm using Murata's LoRa module which has STM32L inside. module's timer related output is,- PB5/LPTIM1_IN1- PB6/LPTIM1_ETR- PB7/LPTIM1_IN2- PB2/LPTIM1_OUTNo...
Posted on August 29, 2017 at 21:07Hello, I'am trying to use the TIM5 in Slave-(and Master-)Mode to drive another Timer (TIM1 to Trigger a DMA-Request on each Period).When I configure TIM5 in Triggermode TI2FP2 on Stm32F4Discovery Board (PA1 and this...
Posted on August 29, 2017 at 10:02 Hi everyone, I need to reed a quadrature encoder signal from a sensor, modify the number of pulse and send this signal out to a machine. The output signal must be a TTL quadrature signal, I have 5 pins: 0v, 5v...
Posted on August 29, 2017 at 10:09Good morning, I have a STM32F429 based board, the MCU is interfacing a Micron SDRAM (MT48LC4M32B2). We successfully configured the sdram interface using the FMC driver. We use 1.4.3 version.We had a first production...
Posted on August 30, 2017 at 03:38Hi Folks,I think I've set up my TIM2 correctly using the CUBEMX but I'm new to the STM32 world and I'd like someone to take a look at this. I'm going to be reading the output from a optocoupler connected to the 120...