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Resolved! Why is there no output from TIM9 CH2 on PE6

Posted on October 24, 2017 at 01:21I am using the STM32F429ZI.  I have setup four timers to slave from TIM3.  The timers are TM1, TM2, TM4, TM9.  All four are setup the same as PWM generators in One Pulse Mode and I have checked multiple times to ma...

RTC usage on F1 serie

Posted on October 23, 2017 at 16:55Hi there,I started the RTC implementation on my STM32F103 with Cube.This is the initialisation code developed by Cube:static void MX_RTC_Init(void){RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime; RTC_DateTypeDef DateToUpdate;/**Initialize ...

Fede Rico by Associate III
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STM32CubeMx autogeneration bug with C++ ?

Posted on October 19, 2017 at 19:01HelloCubeMX 4.22.1Cube for L1 1.8CubeMx generates this kind of code in every initialization file like, for example 'adc.h'#ifndef __adc_H#define __adc_H#ifdef __cplusplusextern 'C' {#endif< snip>extern void _Error_...

JulienD by Senior
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PC lint without plugin in AC6 compiler Eclipse

Posted on October 13, 2017 at 06:51Hello,Kindly provide any reference material how to integrate PC lint without plugin.Kindly provide steps to be perform to do lint in eclipse.Thanks and regards,Shail Shah#ac6 #gnu-c-compiler-(gcc) #sw4stm32-eclipse...

SD-Card problem (X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1)

Posted on October 24, 2017 at 15:03Hello!I'm using the X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1 evaluation board. The problem is that I can't communicate with the SD card. I've tried the following AT commands 'AT+S.FSC=test.txt, 1000', 'AT+S.FSC=0:test.txt, 1000' and 'AT+S...

How is the first byte transmitted in the SPI protocol?

Posted on October 24, 2017 at 10:18Hi,I'm new to embedded electronics, and have started learning by using the STM32F407VG discovery board.  Overall, I think I understand the SPI protocol, but there are a few things that I'm not understanding fully w...

M K by Associate II
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Why USART stops with ADC? STM32F103C8

Posted on October 08, 2017 at 23:50Hi to everybody!! I have a problem with an STM32F103C8 board 'Blue Pill'. I have configured the two ADC converters to make measurements, I also have configured the USART1 to send and receive information from and to...

C' library for STM32 programming

Posted on October 23, 2017 at 15:30Hey,I was wondering if there is any (reliable) C# library to automatically Flash an STM32.Now I know that there are may third Party libraries around, but I'm especially interested in the libraries offered by ST.Gre...

edelmann by Associate II
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Create large objects in STM32F429Disco SRAM

Posted on October 24, 2017 at 02:57Hi all,I'm somewhat new to the micro world of development. I am trying to create a fairly large object in the SRAM on the F429Disco.I am using the FMC_SDRAM example provided by ST. It compiles and run fine Out of t...

Just Matt by Associate III
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