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Forum Posts

ADC with DMA in circular mode

Posted on September 28, 2017 at 10:44I am using the Nucleo F334 development board. I was trying to read the ADC values of PB0 and PB1 (ADC1 CH11 and CH12) using DMA in circular mode. The code should transfer the two 16 bit values of ADC to the varia...

Resolved! Three or one stm32f413 wakeup pin(s) from standby?

Posted on September 27, 2017 at 11:17Dear all,What are the wakeup pins of the STM32F413VGT? CubeMX and the reference manual says three (PA0/PC0/PC1) but the generated code won't accept PC0 and PC1. And when I write directly into the PWR_CSR register...

Resolved! I2S ''R Division Factor''???

Posted on September 25, 2017 at 22:12Hi - I'm trying to configure my STM32F429 Discovery board to send digital audio data to a  Section 28.4.4 (pg 911) of the

cutable pcb

Posted on September 19, 2017 at 16:00I am using both Nucleo-64 and Nucleo-144 boards in my project. On the Nucleo-64, the cutable PCB has been removed, and signals from CN6 on the cutoff board were tied to the Morpho connector as outlined in the doc...

USB initialisation and deinitialisation

Posted on March 13, 2017 at 17:13I am using USB CDC both for bootloader and in the loaded application with the IAR toolset and the CubeMX Middleware/HALlibrary.  Turning off the USB & Timer interrupts before the jump it jumps cleanly and runs the ap...

brians by Associate II
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