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Resolved! STM32F303 Nucleo-144: which IDE to use for Development?

Posted on April 06, 2017 at 13:36Hi,I have a STM32F303 Nucleo-144 Development Kit and struggling to figure out which IDE to use. This is first project with Cortex-M micro-controller and I have a few queries:* If somebody who is aware of the software...

Prasant J by Associate III
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Resolved! CY62177EV30 SRAM with STM32L496AEI

Posted on October 19, 2017 at 09:53Greetings people,I was wondering if the SRAM by CY62177EV30  is compatible with the FMC on STM32L496AEI with 20 bit address width and 16 bit data width.I can only use 20 bits from the address bus because of pin mul...

Boot from SRAM

Posted on October 23, 2017 at 10:49I have a question about the stm32f103xx. I want to know how it boots from Embeded SRAM. I have known that the IBUS of Cortex-M3 can't access the SRAM from the reference manual. When boots from the SRAM,  how Cortex...

l yk by Associate II
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Disable STM32F103 Independant Watchdog

Posted on October 19, 2015 at 11:01Hello,In one of our projects we have implemented IWDG (independant watchdog). There is a condition in the software that when the power supply fails, the controller STM32F103(Powered By Rechargeable Battery) puts it...

gada by Associate III
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Shared memory between BL and Main application

Posted on October 19, 2017 at 10:46 I am working on the project with STM32F030R8T6. So far I have bootloader and main application with memory space allocated. My problem is that currently I am jumping between main and bootleader using address of re...

Resolved! CubeMX USB_DEVICE middleware problem on V1.9.0

Posted on October 27, 2017 at 13:25Hi, I just moved a code from a STM32L476RCT6 on cubeMX V1.7.0 to V1.9.0I didn't change anythingWhen I start the push and start the program, it crash on the SystemClock_Config() with the new version. I tried again w...

Move source code and issue tracker to github

Posted on October 23, 2017 at 11:56I suggest to move relevant/related projects (STM32CubeMX, HAL, LL libraries, etc?) to github.Reasons:1. It is (arguably) one of the best places to host opensource projects.2. It has great issue tracker3. Thus, it i...

Store RTC date into Backup Register

Posted on October 25, 2017 at 12:09 Hi there, I'm using the RTC on my STM32F103 to keep the date and time but when I reset the MCU the date is lost. I know that this behaviour is due to the RTC implementation ( it uses a counter ). To prevent...

Fede Rico by Associate III
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