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Forum Posts

Periodically interrupt driven SPI

Posted on January 29, 2018 at 14:48Hello,I am trying to set up a project using an STM32F746ZG and an external DAC communicated by the SPI3. The idea is to transmit data from the MCU to the DAC periodically (using a timer and its interrupt) and use t...

SPI read inside TIM1 Update interrupt freeze

Posted on January 22, 2018 at 17:56Hello all,i have a aplication for a 3 phase motor, where i have 3 sensors read via SPI.The microcontroler is a stm32F427 deviceI am using timer1 for 6 pwm output, and the timer in countin mode   TIM_CounterMode_Cen...

Bogdan by Senior
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Nucleo64 STM32F030R8

Posted on January 29, 2018 at 20:12HelloI am trying to get RTC but just subsecond is changingI already actived Alarm Calendar and interrupt and format binaryin mainI defined sTimeStructure as RTC_TimeTypeDefand in While  HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTim...

SPI DRIVE to interact with STPMC-1

Posted on January 30, 2018 at 11:22I am using STM32F429IGTX Controller. I am trying to interface STPMC-1 energy calculator module with the controller. This STPMC-1 Module uses some kind of SPI protocol. I need to know whether ST provide any drive fi...


Posted on January 30, 2018 at 15:53hello friends i recently got an stm32l4 I just go past the led blink i am trying my hands on interrupts I am trying to configure  a falling edge triggered interrupt on A0 and PC15 so far works fine for GPIOA but th...

AXI SRAM and SRAMn with DMA in stm32h7x3?

Posted on January 31, 2018 at 09:21Hello, that's the SRAM of STM32H7x3 microcontroller. I need to receive over 800 kib of data on high speed and place it in RAM via DMA. I read that there's 864 kib of ram here but I was confused to find out that it'...
