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Resolved! Unable to connect usart1 to bluetooth hc-05

Posted on June 16, 2018 at 16:35 I've been trying to connect USART_1 with bluetooth hc-05 for the past few days, andI am unable to do so. The Microcontroller I am using is nucleo STM32F103RB. Here's the code (I am not using any library) #define...

BlueNRG-1 DIO11

Posted on June 17, 2018 at 12:34Hi,I used the BlueNrg-1 on a few projects but I have never had the problem before as I have never used DIO11. What concerns me that every is 100% when stepping through my code just before entering the BlueNRG_Sleep fu...

Migrating project from STM32F030 to STM32F071

Posted on June 17, 2018 at 11:49I have a uVision project which is built on STM32F030C8 microcontroller. I'm using STM32F0xx standard peripheral library in my application. Now I need to migrate to a higher version of the controller, as my application...

droid nk by Associate II
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Use of clock dividers in timers (STM32F103)

Posted on October 25, 2014 at 16:02 Hi, I have just begun toying around with a STM32F103 (on a STM32 Nucleo board) and I have some troubles understanding the expected behavior of the clock divider in the timers. So my original goal...

alexpes59 by Associate II
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STM32L072 Adc Vref source

Posted on June 16, 2018 at 20:16Hi,I'm a little bit confused about adc and vref.From reference manualThe internal voltage reference (VREFINT) provides a stable (bandgap) voltage output for theADC and Comparators. VREFINT is internally connected to t...

sukoy27k by Associate II
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Working with TIM Output Compare

Posted on June 16, 2018 at 23:08I try to generate pulses for the stepping motor at the Output Compare output.The time between their leading fronts varies (acceleration / deceleration).The control of delays based on the well-known principle: free run...


STM32L4 QSPI flash memory mapped

Posted on June 16, 2018 at 14:32 Hello there, In the device I am developing on STM32L452 I foresee running out of flash memory, as the application code is getting bigger. The maximum flash amount for this chip is 512 KB (which I use). I thought I...

STM32 RTC milliseconds setting

Posted on June 07, 2018 at 03:50Hello,I'm using the STM32 H753 Evaluation board, and trying to set the milliseconds by using HAL_RTC_SetTime function.However, the HAL_RTC_SetTime function does not change the milliseconds(subseconds) value.I've read ...