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Forum Posts

Resolved! FFT Performance

Posted on July 03, 2018 at 13:48I’ve setup a DSP application including a F32 FFT that takes on STM32F407 about 5 ms and on a STM32F429 approximately  .5 ms. The clock settings are in both cases the highest possible values (STM32F407 -> 168 MHz and...

M G_2 by Associate III
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NEUCLEO-F103RB Can't get IIC working.

Posted on July 01, 2018 at 19:20Hi All, Having got the USART working, and being able to exchanged data via the serial port I want to try and drive an Adafriuit IIC backpack. This uses the Holtek HT16K33 driver chip.I have connected the backpack's SC...

STMicroelectronics USB communcation disconnected

Posted on July 03, 2018 at 13:11I have used CubeMX to generate the USB CDC driver. I connect my board to a PC and the device manager recognize it as: 'STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (COM1)', And then the device is connected.- STM32Cube V1.0 Ver...

Multi channel ADC with DMA in circular mode using CubeMX and HAL, how do I use the half transfer complete and transfer complete callbacks?

Posted on June 29, 2018 at 03:03I am using the STM32F091. I have been trying to use the ADC with DMA in circular mode writing to a large array for use as a sort of double buffer by shifting the first half of the values out on the half transfer compl...

Stm32L4 internal temperature sensor measurement

Posted on July 02, 2018 at 22:38Hello, I'm trying to measure the ambient temperature using the nucleo l432kc internal temp sensor . I connect the MCU through the usb to my lapotp. With the code I'm currently using, the output temperature starts at 2...

Description GPIO speed

Posted on July 03, 2018 at 00:09I want to know how can I aware about some gpio speed parmeters in Cube (low - medium -fast -high speed).For example I set cpu on 20Mhz and PinC.1 set as output push pull medium speed. In this state , what's the pin sp...