Resolved! The Support portal - is anyone there?
I've posted a request to the support board more than a month ago. No one answered. What's going there? Does anyone read these requests?Thanks,Pavel A.
I've posted a request to the support board more than a month ago. No one answered. What's going there? Does anyone read these requests?Thanks,Pavel A.
I'm currently thinking about how to make the ADC-readings not neccessary as fast as possible, but to cause as little blocking as possible. My current idea is to start the reading in the main() with // Start ADC with DMA support adc_dma_values_valid ...
Hello,I require RNG's functionality for one of my commercial projects. Reading through the reference manual, it is mentioned that ST has validated RNG's performance for the following clock configurations:RNG clock: rng_clk 48MHz, rng_clk = 400kHzAHB ...
Regenerating a Truestudio project with 4.26+ deletes all your sources and generates a blank project! Please fix this.
Dear All,I am new to ARM microcontrollers and about to start working on some application. Please explain me the complete boot process of STM32L476RG controller.Who has to write the boot code? If the answer is the programmer, what he has to write exac...
Hello,I am using an STM32F051 with an external EEPROM M24M01 memory of 1Mbit capacity (500 x 256bits)STMCubeMX has a proprietary library for use with external I2C EEPROM memory, but it is not suitable for the storage memory I am using.Would someone h...
Hello !I am studing SPI. I was created two projects for my Nucleo boards, where one is master, and second is slave. I send data from master to slave and printing it to PuTTY.A problem in synchronisation of two boards. Slave is receiving correct da...
Good DayI am having an issue with I2C and hope someone can point me in the right direction.I have an I2C master and two I2C slaves on a bus. The master sends a message to the slave and then reads back the response from the slave, which works.If I add...