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Error programming bank 1

Posted on July 04, 2018 at 13:03Hi,Using STM32L476QEI get HAL_ERROR running the following code only when writing or erasing (page) at address 0x0803F800, doing the same with address 0x08040000 works fine.both addresses are erased before the code exe...

STM32F767 and SPI communication without DMA

Posted on May 30, 2018 at 08:34 Hello friends, I try SPI communication, and I have a problem. I only send data.... But how to receive it? Connection is: 1. one master - one slave 2. Full duplex Initialize: LL_SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStr...

CANBus RX interrupts of HAL

This is my RX callback,it only can run one time, anything I set wrong?I use it in LOOPBACK mode.void HAL_CAN_RxCpltCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef* hcan) { Response=(uint8_t *)&hcan->pRxMsg->Data; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart4,Response, 8, 5); HAL_CAN_Receive...

wu ryan by Associate II
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Problem to Make multi STm32F103RCT6 in a CAN NetWork

Hi all!I am new in CAN bus with STM32. I have a project using multi stm32f103 in a CAN network. I want to set up a STM32f103 as a Master CAN device, and others stm32f103 are as a slaver in CAN bus.I set up a stm32f103 as master, it worked well. bec...

tluu by Associate II
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SPI Configuration (bare metal-stm32h743)

I am trying to code the stm32h743 for spi communication and i can't seem to transmit. I am using PA5 as SCK and PD7 as MOSI. I read the procedure required that is in the reference manual (49.4.9

NBlac by Associate III
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