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Resolved! STM32L4 clock config problem

Posted on October 05, 2017 at 15:31Hello there,I am using STM32L452VET. I have generated the startup code using latest STM32CubeMX 4.22.1. Here is my clock config:My problem is the following:If I turn switch the compiler optimization flag to either:...


HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage never transmits

I have a simple CAN test where the CAN1 Peripheral on the STM32F446RE board is initialized using STM32CubeMX (Prescaler = 16, TimeSeg1/TimeSeg2/SyncJumpWidth = 1TQ, Mode = Normal, all parameters are DISABLED except for AutoRetransmission = ENABLE). A...

I have B-L475E-IOT01 and follow the ppt to connect to AWS IOT. But it cannot connect to AWS, the error message below. The firmware inside B-L-475E-IOT1 is original, come from the board, I do not flash any new firmware.

*** AWS connectivity demonstration ***AWS IoT SDK Version 2.1.1-MQTT connection in progress... Attempt 1/3ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#301 failed ! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x7780 Attempt 2/3ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#301 failed ! mbedtls_ssl_handsh...

kli.7 by Associate
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USB HID Use endpoint 0x82

using the second endpoint address looked pretty simple. I open the endpoint, changed my descriptor to use 0x82 instead of 0x81, changed the code so that I send two different reports, one for 0x81 and the other for 0x82 and everything looks simple. ...


I am using STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0.This is very excellent software.UART,SPI,I2S,RTC,,,work fine but HS-IN-FS.I have checked HS and FS works fine.My target board is STM32469I-EVAL board and I'm using EWARM compiler suite.My application is USB_Device/M...

TKawa.17 by Associate
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How do I configure timer and pin in PWM output mode?

I am trying to configure TIM4 Channel 1 and PB6 in PWM output mode on my STM32L476 Discovery. I found an example for the STM32L476G-Nucleo, but they didn't configure any pins, so I tried to do that myself. I am new to programming on this board so I ...

ADing.11 by Associate
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It is not possible to unzip the downloaded STM32-MAT/TARGET (4.4.2).Win-RAR says "unknown method", i also tried it on a different Computerbut it didn't work out.What to do know? Maybe try a different Unzip-Software?

MW??r by Associate
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