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Forum Posts

Resolved! NUCLEO-L476RG Input Capture Is Not Capturing

Hello:Using IAR EWARM 7.8 for these tests. IAR provides working HAL examples for the STM32F4 Discovery boards. They have a specific example for both input capture, and PWM capture on the STM32F4 Discovery. Both examples work....both capture a 2KHz sq...

Why low the GPIO output speed?

Dear ST Community,The MCU type is: STM32F407VGT6I try to write GPIOx->ODR register with DMA2. The trigger signal is TIM1 update event. I set the timer period frequency is 9Mhz and i measure 4.429Mhz on GPIO pin. Why?here is my code:#include "stm32f4x...

ExtSol by Associate II
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Understanding of NOLOAD directive for GNU-LD

Hi everyone,I want to have a section in FLASH that will act as an EEPROM with some initial values defined at compile time. I have defined the section in the linker script (the last page of the FLASH) and I can see it in the .map file correctly.Howeve...

Kraal by Senior III
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STM32L051 voltage regulator in Stop mode

Hi,Turning Voltage regulator into low-power mode (LPR) in Stop mode possible only for Category 1 devices as stated in RefMan (6.4.1 p158), but referring on datasheet for L051 family (that's category 3) that's however possible (3.1 p14 & 3.4.3 p21). S...

MZubk by Associate
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A patch for USB HOST Library Bug

Posted on January 27, 2012 at 20:58 There is bug in USB Host library that causes to wrongbehavior if the attached device has more that one interface. EP properties for interface 0 is overriding by the values for next interfaces. There is also a ...

dzuikov by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F0xx BxCAN Loop-back Transfer Delay

Hi,I am working on STM32F042.I have setup the BxCAN peripheral into loop-back silent mode, and it works fine. I can transfer and receive every single frame I am transmitting and no error conditions are detected.However, I have noticed that when I wan...

MArgi by Associate II
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