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Forum Posts

[STM32F407VET6] Is it possible to use the BOOT0 pin as GPIO?

Hi,I'm interested to know what may be happening that STlink can not find the STM32.A strange thing is that the BOOT0 pin is being used as a GPIO. This pin is actuating an opto coupler (it is connected to pin 1 of a PC817)What do I need to ensure for ...

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A priority on callback ?

Dear Members,I have two interrupts on my callback,how can I make a priority for them ? Thankscode :void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart) { if(huart->Instance==USART2) { GPS_CallBack(); } if(huart->Instance==USART1) { ...

Record/Monitor an SPI Conversation

I would like to record/monitor a "3rd party" SPI bus conversation.I have a couple logic analyzers, that work fine on the bench.But i need longer term recording, and i need to do it in an environment without a PC and as small as i can get. And i am tr...

ETB debugging on STM32F769NIH6.

I am trying to launch an ETB debug trace on the STM32F769NIH6 using a SEGGER J-Link Base via Ozone, but I get the error message "ETB not available". The SEGGER documentation implies that the STM32F7xxx supports ETB. The STM32F76xx documentation only...

NSmit.8 by Associate
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Dip in analog input voltage during uart rx reception

Hi,we are using STM32F030C8 mcu for our application. The port pin PA3 is configured for UART2 receive operation from a RS-485 transceiver and port pin PA5 is configured as an analog input ADC_IN5 and receives signal from an potentiometer. What we obs...