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Forum Posts

STM32F7 External Flash loader using QuadSPI

I have a problem same as on here but different mcu (STM32F750N8) and same flash chip.I used the code that published there. But i cant get it done. When i compile my code, i can see...

Problems with using SPI and I2C together

Hi,i am using a NUCLEO STM32L412 board and i want to use SPI and I2C together.Every bus works for itself - this is OK.But when i measure the signals, i get SPI clock signal on SDA and vice versa the SDA Signal on SPI SCK. I initialized with CubeMx.H...

ledi001 by Senior
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ADC Differential Inputs

Hello Community,Suppose that an ADC is configured to receive a differential input, say PA0 and PA1 as the non-inverting and inverting inputs respectively. Does that mean that the ADC reading can now be a negative number (corresponding to a a negative...

Amir1 by Associate II
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ADDR bit is not set in I2C

Hi I'm trying to configure stm32f103 as a master to write data to slave EEPROM chip. The master generates a start condition but slave doesn't acknowledge the address ( the address is mentioned in the datasheet though )#include "stm32f10x.h" ...

ASeyo by Associate II
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Resolved! PSRAM working Issue with FMC interface in STM32F723 ?

I am interfacing (IS66/67WV51216EBLL) 8Mbit static RAM organized as 512K words by 16 bits with STM32F723 microcontroller using it’s inbuilt FMC interface. FMC is configured in 16bit mode. Read and write operations are working as expected. Bu...

SShin.18 by Associate II
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Do ADCs have independent input channels in dual mode?

I want to use ADC1 and ADC2 in dual mode simultaneous. In reference manual on p.360 there is a note that states that i can't convert tha same channel on both ADCs simultaneously ("no overlapping sampling times for the two ADCs when converting the sam...

RGris by Associate II
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How to initialize ADC-2 on STM32G431CBT6

Program locks in waiting for ADC_ISR ADRDY to become a '1'. Have set RCC_AHB2ENR bit 13 (ADC12EN), Cleared ADC2_CR-bit26(DEEPPWD) and set ADC2_CR-bit25(ADVREGEN). Finally set ADC2_CR-bit0(ADEN). Now ADC2_ISR bit-0 (ADRDY) should become high, but it s...