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SD card to USB data Copy using the CH376s IC

Hello,   I am Use the STM32F091 controller Now we are facing issue on data copying from SD card to USB pendrive. error is "No Free Sector available" Ping is ok, File is open all are ok only problem on last phase How to resolve that ? Please suggest m...

YShah.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Hide compiler message

Hi all,Is there a way to hide the console-terminated output message?Per the attached imageI need to remove specifically the timestampthanks 

To add a CRC32 result to the end of a bin file,

hiTo append a CRC32 calculation result, which is computed by the hardware CRC ,I want make the crc result  at the end of the bin file , for the purpose of verification during program upgrade.please Give a method,It is best to directly generate the bi...

zhaowhong by Associate III
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Resolved! Timer isn't accurate

I am using an stm32 timer calculator ( ) to get the settings for a 20ms timer and got the following values: which I set for my TIM16 timer.I am using the following code:v...

DavidL_ by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7S7 XIP Nor Flash + Internal Ram not an option

Previous post here didn't seem to get answered, so I thought I'd ask again.Is there a way to execute code with the XIP framework, but not using the external SDRAM for instruction execution?I'd like to use internal AHB or AXI Ram sections for code exe...

halfordC by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G474 use boot0 pb8 pin as I2C1 SCL

Is it possible to use pb8 (boot0) as I2C1 SCL pin, it seems STM32CubeIDE let's me configure it that way. But how can I prevent issues with the boot function after reset? Since I2C is pull-up level, right?

CyberNerd by Associate III
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Resolved! How to design USB for STM32F105VCT6

Hi All,I want to design USB schematic for STM32F105VCT6. I read Introduction to USB hardware and PCB guidelines using STM32 MCUs(AN4879) and it said that STM32F105/STM32F107 has Pull-up resistor on USB_DP line.Question 1Can I design USB schematic wit...

WPong.1 by Associate II
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How to set interrupt handler on STM32?

How do you call an interrupt hanlder as a result of an interrupt (like systick) in the STM32F4xx library? Do you have to change the value in the vector table to point to the handler manually or how is this handled?

Lucaz by Associate
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