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QUADSPI indirect-read only

Chip: STM32G474I have a ADC chip that offers SPI-compatible interface, it could achieve below functions in picture.I tried use QUADSPI to achieve that without instruction, address, alternate, dummy, but only DATA with indirect-read mode, but couldn't...

0690X00000AqrviQAB.png 0690X00000AqrvxQAB.png

How to include arm_math in h745 dual core project

Hello, I'm trying to use arm_math.h in the m4 core of an stm32h745, but i get a bunch of really weird errors that seem to indicate that somehow the project configuration is wrong? I set the project properties to Debug_CM4 ( active ) and define CORE_C...

RMcCa by Senior II
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Arm assembler - branch by a programmable amount

I want to manipulate the program counter in an assembler function by branching down a list of instructions by a programmable amount.syntax unified .global myasm myasm: PUSH {R0,R1,r2,r4,R5} ADD R15,#4    is rejected by the assembler.syntax unified ...

PMath.4 by Senior III
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Is the DMA overstrained? DMA & InputCapture Issues

Hi everyone, my setting looks like this:CPU CLK: 480MHzAHB CLK should be 240MHz (I'm not 100% sure)Timer CLK 120MHzInputCapture Channel: 4 (2 direct, 2 indirect)I generate 8 short pulses each about 30ns. I use 4 InputCaptures to read those pulses. 2 ...

Hi, I am trying to generate sine modulated PWM on STM32F401-Disco board using MATLAB. The desired freq of a sine wave is 50Hz and of the carrier wave is 20kHz. But I am not getting 50Hz freq. Please suggest a solution.

I need sine modulated PWM during +ve half cycle of sine wave and zero output during -ve cycle of sine wave. Desired samples of sine are 200. I have attached the MATLAB simulation circuit snapshot. Problem is that I am getting 5Hz freq.

VSira by Associate II
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Selecting a STM32 MCU

Hi Thank you for having me here! I come from the AVR-Mega community and wondering about selecting a STM32 MCU. I needed more time to process between my input capture and USART and HDLC processing. Which MCU have 4 timers and input/output capture avai...

Donnie B by Associate II
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STM32f105 double CAN receiv problem

on stm32f105 launched CAN. With the transfer of messages, there were no questions, but there were questions about receiving messages from two CAN.the code is responsible for processing the messagevoid HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback(CAN_HandleTypeD...

AFoki by Associate
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