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Forum Posts

Resolved! Clocks Initialization wrong (SOLVED).

Hi all!,I'm, triyng to program using CMSIS in order to learn how registers works.If I use the SystemClock_Config() generated by STM32CubeIDE all works properly, but if I use my own rutine, the TFT wired to SPI3 dont show the fonts properly (I think i...

JAlca by Senior
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Resolved! What is the digital pins's frequency of Nucleo-f303K8?

I tried to find the frequency that the digital ports of Nucleo-F303k8 can accept data (example: the arduino works with 10kHz on these pins), but i couldn't find anywhere. Someone can help me? I need to use some sensors and I need this information to ...

Rinoue by Associate II
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STM32H743XI Multi SPI Circular DMA with GPIO manipulation

Hi, I want to achieve the title's behaviour to communicate with multiple SPI sensors in the 5 SPI buses at the highest possible throughput and minimal CPU load. I first tried the following with 1 bus.void cpltCB(void); uint8_t RXBUFF[8];   void main(...

CMA by Associate II
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