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Resolved! association du temps et date à un log

Bonjour,Je veux réaliser une tache de log dans mon systeme temps reel et aussi associer l'information à une date et heure.Ma question c'est que comment je pourrais inclure le temps et la date .Mercii

chaida13 by Associate II
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PWM not working on TIM2 channel 1 on STM32H753XIH6

We are using PWM here to change the brightness of LCD display, but PWM is not working , as of now I don't have CRO's as I'm working remotely. Is there anything wrong in the below code??#include "stm32h7xx.h"   void PwmGpioInitalize() { /* Timer GP...

Npiet.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to detect max value of real time data in an array

I have connected a sine wave of amplitude 3V with 1.5V shifted above the zero to 12-bit ADC channel by using dsPIC33FJ32MC204 controller and stored in an array. I want to detect the max value out of five samples because after the five samples my data...

Mohan1 by Associate III
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Upgrading STM32L1 firmware takes a long time

I have an STM32L152R8T6-A MCU. A new firmware is downloaded over HTTP (as a .bin file) and is stored in an external flash memory. After that a bootloader copies the new firmware into MCU flash (address 0x8000000) and resets the micro.Everything is OK...

Resolved! Can STM32 GPIOx Register parse to each bit?

Hello,I am a new STM32 member. In many previous projects from PIC, we often #define GPIOx as a bit. So we can manipulate some operator directly and easily as example below.Example: #define LED_AL1 LATBbits.LATB6 #define LED_AL2 LA...

QNGUY.1 by Associate II
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