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Question regarding use of AXIM vs ITCM.

I just solved a bug in my software, and can't quite understand how it happened. My code is a built in hardware test for our board, and a bootloader, which communicates with a serial bus and downloads different compoents to different memories. One o...

SBurc by Associate II
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how to properly cast ushort to float in Cortex M4 MCU

Hello I have DMA ADC and store data in uint16_t bufferI need to copy these values to input buffer to arm_rfft_fast_f32 function;the function should also cast ushort to float void copy_adc_to_input(uint16_t * int_buff, float32_t * float_buff, uint16_t...

hashtala by Associate II
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Resolved! Occasional errors on UART's received Bytes.

Hi, everyone,I have been struggling with an issue for sometime. Upon reception, occasionally, a Byte is received with an error in which the most significant bit is received as a '1'. For example, if 0x55 (0101 0101) is sent, 0xD5 (1101 0101) is rece...

PMach.1 by Senior
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CAN ID/MASK Filter Setting

Hi, I am using NUCLEO-F302R8 EV-board. I want to configure the CAN as:use all 3 transmit mailboxes with different mailbox IDFiltering ID number for each mailbox Receive three complete message for each FIFO with filter ID numberBy following CAN settin...

NASI by Senior
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half-duplex spi slave can't transmit datas

i used stm32f031 as master & slave, NSS is alwasy low, connect MOSI and MISO. the master transmit datas successfull then changing the master direction to receive data( SPI->CR &=~SPI_CR1_BIDIOE), at the same time slave recv and try to transmit data...

Jseyn.1 by Associate III
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