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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


Resolved! Behaviour of STM32H743 general purpose timer

Hello,I'm using TIM2 on STM32H743 (Nucleo, rev Y, Keil 5.31).Just before setting the bit TIM_CR1_EN the setting of the timer is the following:DIER : bit UIE setPSC: expected value (0x4E1F)ARR expected value (0x4E20). it is almost the same as PSC but ...

Gpeti by Senior II
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Time is very slow in external mode

I have a little problem with external mode and I didn't know if it's nortmal or just a lack of setting from myself. I use F429 with 5.4 version and R2018bWhen I run my soft on STM32, the time is passing good (I see it with my CAN_message coming from ...

TGIRA.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F030C6 wih external oscillator (HSE)

I am trying to understand how to setup the microcontroller (STM32F030 in this case) to use external oscillator. I am using blinking LED as a test to see if the code is running. To setup the HSE I did following:selected Crystal/Ceramic Resonator in Hi...

BJerk.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743 IWDG continuously reset MCU

Strange behavior of STM32H743. It continuously reset every few seconds.I check reset reason with this part of code after system startup:if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_IWDG1RST)) { _PRINTF("RESET_CAUSE_INDEPENDENT_WATCHDOG_RESET\n"); } else...

STM32F769NI: UARTs do not connect in bootloader mode

Hi,I am asking for some sound technical help on the STM32F769NI BootloaderI am using an STM32F769NI MCU and wish to update the firmware using STs' Bootloader mode via the UART.I am running into problems that none of the UARTs on Pins PA9/PA10, PB10/P...

gps by Associate II
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ADC digital reading

Hello,I'm using the NUCLEO-F722ZE EVB.Page 155 of the datasheet describes the ADCs characteristics: the NUCLEO-F722ZE schematics I see that VDDA as well as VREF+ are 3.3V. VREF- is zero vol...

skon.1 by Senior
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