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Forum Posts

STM32 interrupt pin strange behavior

I am using stm32cubeide to program a stm32f030f4p6 MC. I have assigned one pin as an external interrupt and it is connected to the data output of an RF433 receiver. Here is a summary of my code:int k;   int main(void)   {   while (1)   {   k=0;   ...


Resolved! STM32F413 ADC DMA AnalogWatchdog not working in SleepMode

The goal is to have the microcontroller which is in sleep mode, wake up when the voltage on a certain ADC channel drop below a set voltage.The plan was to put the core to sleep via HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI)...

Pain by Associate II
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N25Q128A13EF840F External Flash read write example

Hi,I am new to QSPI. I working with stm32f469 disco that comes with external flash N25Q128A13EF840F. I had done the GUI part now I need to store data to external flash but I don't know how to do it. I had initialized qspi with STMCUBE default initial...

himsha by Associate II
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Can the two QSPI banks be used independently?

We are using the STM32L4A6 in a new project. This has the QSPI peripheral that supports two 4-bit banks. The datasheet and app notes only mention using the two banks together to give an 8 bit interface, but I'm wondering, is there any way to use them...

SHugh.2 by Associate III
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Switching alternate functions for on input pin

Hello experts,I am using a stm32F446RET6 (HAL and C) and I am using the PA1 input pin for receiving a serial stream with the TIM2 Channel for frequency and logic detection. This Input capture timer works perfectly. But prior to decode the stream I fi...

papageno by Associate III
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Using External Xtal causes a hardware exception

Hi All,I'm working with a STM32F303x8, when using the HSI as the clock I've found the timers drift too much between cold and hot running (which is fair), I'm seeing about a 0.3% drift which is an issue for this application.I now have an 8MHz External...

RMyer.1 by Associate III
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