Resolved! How to flashing stm32f429 over the air OTA with a SIM868E?
#GPRS #SIM800 #OTA #STM32f4
#GPRS #SIM800 #OTA #STM32f4
When using LL libraries i include:DEBUGUSE_FULL_LL_DRIVERSSTM32F411xEDo i have to add something for HAL?Thanks
I am using stm32cubeide to program a stm32f030f4p6 MC. I have assigned one pin as an external interrupt and it is connected to the data output of an RF433 receiver. Here is a summary of my code:int k; int main(void) { while (1) { k=0; ...
The goal is to have the microcontroller which is in sleep mode, wake up when the voltage on a certain ADC channel drop below a set voltage.The plan was to put the core to sleep via HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI)...
Hi,I am new to QSPI. I working with stm32f469 disco that comes with external flash N25Q128A13EF840F. I had done the GUI part now I need to store data to external flash but I don't know how to do it. I had initialized qspi with STMCUBE default initial...
Hello,I would like to know, why unconfigured pin is consuming power when it is connected to 3.3 volt, while it is in analog input mode (reset mode as per to the data sheet). here, what i have tested with three configurations.with pin configuration(PA...
We are using the STM32L4A6 in a new project. This has the QSPI peripheral that supports two 4-bit banks. The datasheet and app notes only mention using the two banks together to give an 8 bit interface, but I'm wondering, is there any way to use them...
/*UPDATE*/ It turned out that im my case the problem was in the start up routine:There was a "Start up" project (written not by me) that was downloaded at 0 flash address and it was jumping to another address where my project was located.I did not kn...
Hello experts,I am using a stm32F446RET6 (HAL and C) and I am using the PA1 input pin for receiving a serial stream with the TIM2 Channel for frequency and logic detection. This Input capture timer works perfectly. But prior to decode the stream I fi...
Hi All,I'm working with a STM32F303x8, when using the HSI as the clock I've found the timers drift too much between cold and hot running (which is fair), I'm seeing about a 0.3% drift which is an issue for this application.I now have an 8MHz External...