Resolved! How to make SWD debugger programmer for STM32 MCU?
I want to make SWD debugger programmer for STM32 MCUs how can I make this is there any examples or sample code?
I want to make SWD debugger programmer for STM32 MCUs how can I make this is there any examples or sample code?
Hi, everyone. May be you have a sample project about how to write a data to SRAM for STM32F7 or simialar via FMC and HAL
I am trying to configure PC13 as output with RTC_LSE_ON condition in stm32f429 microcontrollerbut it stays high or low as per pull up/ pull down configuration.Welcome for any suggestionsRegards,Santosh Pawar
I had using STM32CubeIDE to generate ADC1 single channel with Timer 6 trigger on 1sec. In HAL library, everything work perfectly and I can see ADC interrupt happen exactly on 1sec interval. But when switch to LL library, same project but the interrup...
HiUsing CubeMX on a STM32H7B3I I have generated this initialisation function for the TIM12 CH2/** * @brief TIM12 Initialization Function * @param None * @retval None */static void MX_TIM12_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM12_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE E...
I am trying to communicate with my host machine using my F429I board by utilizing the ST-Link on board and USART2, however through cubeMX setups as well as manual register modification I was not able to get my terminal to display messages printed fro...
Hello folks,I want to create my own library.However, it seems I cannot send SPI_HandleTypedef between the main source and my library file. My codes are not even close to the finish, but I placed in here so that maybe I have different issues that I ma...
While testing the data line, I have connected a wire to an A0 pin which gives 25v on full throttle signal. After dumping the code can't get any output as expected and found few registers were heating up.
I Want To avoid Cross talk in PCB I want to know how to find the Rise time & frequency of the Signal?& Where I can Get the Spice model of the Micro Controller(* In my case, I am using STM32L4R9ZT6)
MDMA presentation reads:(MDMA) "Can be used to prepare data for other DMAs and then set the DMA configuration to start transfers".The first part (prepare data) is clear; however, I cannot figure out how MDMA automatically configures DMA and starts t...