Resolved! MCU part longevity
Where to find specific part longevity? The following link has details for few parts only.
Where to find specific part longevity? The following link has details for few parts only.
Hi,I'm facing an issue after configuring the SPI1 of STM32G491REI6 MCU using STm32CubeMX for SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT. I have captured the signals on the Oscilloscope after Transmitting the followed three-byte (0x03, 0x00, 0x50) from master(MCU) to slave. y...
MCU - STM32L431RC; HAL drivers ver 1.13.After switching clock from HSI to MSI 16 -> 32 MHz,CubeMX generated system Clock setup does not work.When trying to send data to STM constantly getting "Noise error" and rarely 1st byte is received via ISR. TX ...
Hello, I'm trying to read 9 ADC inputs on the G070 MCU using the interrupt method. Unfortunately, under the number of conversions setting I can only do 8 conversions. Is there a way around this? hadc.Instance = ADC1; hadc.Init.ClockPrescaler = AD...
Dear Sir,we are using STM32G series controller in our project but the problem is that we are also using eMMC card with 4GB which work on SDIO connectivity.could you plese share me which STM32g series will be suitable for it.Thank you
Sometimes DMA is setup prior to frame error interrupt, sometimes after frame error it is not clear to me why. Problem is when frame error is detected after dma is set up then "HAL_UART_IRQHandler" function executes "UART_DMAAbortOnError".I can not de...
Hi.I want to use interrupts to wake up from STOP2 and minimize the power consumption.The internal pull-up of 30k - 50K leaks about 100 uA when pulled to 3V3, so I was wondering how big can be a pull up in order to minimize this consumption. Ideally, ...
Could we used the SPI interface control the 5V LED Driver IC?STM32L412's VCC is 3.3V, SPI's pins are FT_f type.LED Driver IC's VCC is 5V.Is there anything that needs extra attention?Will there be problems with SPI operation?
Hi,MCU: STM32L072MCU is using TSC and ST touch sense library. When there is no stop mode involved, the measurement delta of no pressing is normal (-1, 0, 1).If MCU enters stop mode and then exits stop mode for touch sensing measurement, the delta wou...
I have a low frequency (~1 kHz), low duty cycle signal that I'd like to capture rising edges of. What's the minimum width of those pulses to capture them using a timer in input capture mode?I see there's a programmable digital filter there, in terms...