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Forum Posts

I am using STM32 Matlab target. In the demo of PIL after completing all the processes and generating code. When I return to Simulink and click continue I got the following error.

The timeout of 5 seconds for receiving data from the rtiostream interface has been exceeded. There might be multiple reasons for this failure.You should: (a) Check that the target hardware configuration is correct, for example, check that the byte or...

UKshi.1 by Associate
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how to transmit an array with HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA?

Could you please explain me how to use HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA with an array?In this caseuint16_t data1= 1024;HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, &data1, 1)I get a warning concerning the pointer ("passing argument 2 of 'HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA' from incompatible ...

Tommino by Senior
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No stuffing bit with HAL_CAN on STM32f4

Hello, I m using the CAN bus on a STM32f412. It is connected to a transiver with a CAN analyser linked. I can receive messages without problem but i can t send any messages. Here is ho i configured the CAN :/*##-1- Configure the CAN peripheral ######...

AGiry.2 by Associate II
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