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Forum Posts

Safe clock speeds

I'm looking for information that will tell me the safe clock speeds for a voltage range. For example from 1.8v to 2.5v what is the highest clock speed I can run safely. usually there is a figure in the datasheet, but I can't find it. I'm using a ...

Resolved! CAN transceiver on stm32f407 discovery

Hello dear friends,It's been a week since I worked on the CAN transceiver and couldn't make it work. I have set up the chip rcc, bit rate, and receive interrupt of CAN, set the receive filter, and the receiver id in transmission, with no success. I h...

STM32F030F4Px USART problem

i'm using STM32F030F4Px for MODBUS Master Slave communication based on USART (RS485 communication). i'm using 9600 baud rate, 8bit 1 stop bit communication with DMA and HAL. Master is transmitting 8 bytes to slave after 10 or 20 msec which are receiv...

NSing.5 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32L4 : Using a part of QSPI external Flash Memory as a frequently updated data log, accessible by a PC with USB MSC (Faisability demand)

Hello everyone,I'm working on a STM32L4 project which embeds a QSPI external Flash Memory (not yet sourced but doesn't matter).This QSPI Flash Memory would be splitted into 2 parts, one for TouchGFX Images and one for 10MB Filesystem. This FS will ha...

MLair.1 by Associate III
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