STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.12.0 released

We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.12.0 is available. What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.12.0?New MCUs/MPUs series : STM32WB0 ,STM32MP25XX and STM32C071XXAdd support new CPNs STM32G4: Add support STM32G4 'Z’ and STM...

STM32CubeMX 5.5 does not generate CMSIS DSP files

I've created a STM32CubeMX project for stm32f411re uC and try to add CMSIS DSP suppor. I go to "Aditional Software" -> ARM.CMSIS and check CORE 5.3.0 and DSP 1.7.0. Into DSP I chose Source. CubeMX download the CMSIS package into STM32Cube/Repository/...

leonardo by Associate III
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After enabling USE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT in FREERTOS (pic.1) I get error notification in LWIP (pic.2) and also after I try to compile this settings (pic3). This error info disappear when I manually put in 1 in the fieldwith red error text (pic.2 > RTOS De...

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MCUpwr by Associate III
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CubeMX 6.8.1 for F7 does not support FreeRTOS 10.3.1

I'm porting an active application project from F4 to F7 (The customer had to change as of the problem to get F4 MCUs).The current project that was generated with CubeMX used FreeRTOS 10.3.1 as this is the version that the CubeMX support.Now, when I p...

Egolt.1 by Associate II
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Hello,    I am try to write the data for memory address in EEPROM using standard protocol I2C. we are trying in data write to memory Address and Driver IC read to operates the Sensorless BLDC motor. so I am working in this method. But am put in the d...

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mrsmile by Associate III
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H743ZI + lwIP DHCP problem

I have a project with STM32H743ZI, lwIP, noOS. I've read the document with the suggested settings for MPU, linker file, lwIP head placement and applied the changes to CubeMX generated code.Additionally, I have set the MEM_ALIGNMENT to 32 bytes and ad...

JojoS by Associate III
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unit testing in cube ide as of 2023

HiI need to do some unit testing. As of 2023 What is the easiest way forward? Which tool is best integrated with CUBE ide?There are 2 use cases:Unit tests running on STM32 (here I just know of Tessy/Hitex, not open source)?unit tests running on a win...

MK..1 by Associate III
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How to run code in RAM?

I have a project with a STM32H7 part generated with CubeMX, but I want to copy the code to RAM after reset and then run it from RAM, because I want to change the flash where the code is running. How can I do this?I noticed there is a linker file STM3...

fb by Associate III
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Resolved! CubeMX 6.8.1 installer for Linux is broken

The installer for the latest CubeMX is broken on Linux, as the resulting directory structure lacks permissions in the jre/ subdirectory:cassiopeia:/opt/cubemx# ll total 150384 drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Jun 23 16:00 db/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root ...