STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

How do I set the STM32CubeMX firmware location?

I am using STM32CubeMX for projects. Due to the configuration of our system. I set the firmware location to an alternate directory using the Project Manager tab.  Everything generates fine. However, if I save the project, close it and reopen it, the...

AWolf.8 by Associate III
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Project generation for STM32H7 with FreeRTOS + LwIP

Hello,I think there is a room for improvement in the cube when we create a project with LwIP and FreeRTOS. With the recent HAL update 1.10.0, whole ethernet driver changed and with it also the addresses where the buffers can be saved. With this our e...

Mistake - Edit in CubeMX

Hi ST,In CubeMX (5.6.0), when I want to use FreeRTOS - it would be fine when the functions like prvSetupTimerInterruptwere WEAK because usually is needed this functon edit by user, and there is no good idea to change it always after regeneration pr...

JJRR by Senior
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FreeRTOS priorities

Please. In STM32CubeMX I want to set the same priority for RTOS timers and for tasks - what is equivalent of osPriorityNormal... what Number should I set for timer priority?Thank you. Jan.

JJRR by Senior
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CubeMX RTC number format

All input fields in the RTC section for dates and times suggest that I'm entering a decimal value. But the generated code interprets my input as Hex.I.e. if I enter 10 in the field for the RTC alarm seconds, the code sets "sAlarm.AlarmTime.Seconds = ...