2022-07-12 7:32 PM
When I tried to use Motor Control Bench for the first time in a while, I had trouble downloading the firmware package.
Looking at the log file at the time of code generation, the code appears to be generated.
Do you know if the generated code is correct?
I don't know why, but CubeMX detected a pin-out conflict.
The environment we are using is
And I got the firmware zip file from Github, but it is not recognized properly.
How do I manually install it?
2022-07-14 3:19 AM
Hello @User16576728139883979373 ,
Did you try to download the packages from ST website page ?
2022-07-14 4:48 PM
Hello @Imen DAHMEN , thank you for your response.
Yes, I could download the archives from ST website.
But I could not download them with using STM32CubeMX and Motor Control Workbench.
I don't know if this is related to the download failure, but the code generation process is failing.
It appears to be generating code from the default firmware stored inside the tool, perhaps when the firmware cannot be downloaded.
I don't know if I am generating the code correctly or if the parameter changes are reflected.