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Forum Posts

Malloc Calloc operations in STM32F4 without RTOS

Hi, i have an application where i have to read data and store in a buffer, now the buffer length depends on the data_len byte once received from the slave. Than is it wise to use Malloc/Calloc functions? Basically is the dynamic memory allocation sup...

DJ1 by Associate III
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stm32h755xih6 bsdl file

Hi All,It will be much appreciated if i can get a hints on how to obtain bsdl file of stm32h755xih6 I download the bsdl files of the family en.stm32h7_bsdl . (in web indicate that it include stm32h755xih6) but in reality dont have. This IC have a 265...

Hafez by Associate
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Resolved! SMT32L4xx blocked by bootloader

Hi all,I'm using stm32l431 and met a problem as below.After power up a new stm32l431 board which had not been programmed before, the MCU enter bootloader progam and the PC value is 0x1FFF xxxx.  Downlaod my own code to MCU but the code and not run.Th...

WYWF by Associate
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Using the Hardware CRC for a CRC-8 calculation

Hi together,I am communicating over different interfaces and these are from different suppliers. There it is used the CRC-8 algorithem to secure the the communication data.I have two cases, in both we use a table to realize the crc calculation, now I...

Resolved! STM32L0 SPI and CS HAL Speed

Hi there!First time on the community, but have been programming with STM32s for some time now. I am currently facing a speed challenge using the HAL_SPI_Transmit() function. In order to toggle the CS line, I have always done something along the lines...

bwefers by Associate
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