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Forum Posts

DMA triggered DMA

Posted on March 05, 2014 at 11:32Hey everybody, Is it somehow possible to start/enable/trigger a DMA transfer with the help of another DMA transfer? I'm thinking of the following scenario: - DMA transfer 1 is timer triggered (every 1us) and transfer...

Audio Playback and recording

Posted on September 06, 2013 at 11:21I am using the sample application Audio playback and recording available along with the STM32F4 evaluation kit. The sample application will save the recorded file to USB memory stick. Currently we are using this ...

niju by Associate
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STM32F429I-DISCO USB Problems

Posted on January 28, 2014 at 15:56 Hello. I have serious problems getting the STM32F429I-DISCO board to work either in USB Host or Device mode. Now I'm trying to get audio example from USB library v2.1.0 to work but when I use internal DMA mode...

proc9 by Associate II
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flow control uart1 -- odd behavior

Posted on May 10, 2011 at 16:50I'm trying to get flow control working on Uart1 on the discovery board and am seeing some odd behavior.  I have a little test program that receives 10 characters, pauses, and then echos them back.   At the host (linux)...

STM32F405RG SWDIO, SWCLK, SWO, NRST pin connections

Posted on March 04, 2014 at 12:59Hi , I am about to draw the schematics of a card which has STM32F405RG on it. I want to program my card throug SWD port. I made the pin connections as I described below:  NRST: pulled up to VDD with 100K SWDIO: pull...

STM32Cube example to eclipse+gcc based toolchains

Posted on March 04, 2014 at 17:51 Hello everybody! I try the new stm32cube examples, with CoIDE. I check the truestudio example, and make the CoIDE project same for this, but I have linker error and I dont know what is the problem. This ...

totti001 by Associate II
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stm32f4discovery ,how to launch lcd display by fsmc ?are there any interference by leds which are embedded on board to same pins for lcd?

Posted on February 22, 2014 at 15:16hi guys,it's my first visit in the group, can you help me ,i have recently bought stm32f4discovery board and learning arm controllers ,before i used avr risc 8bit controllers and have more skills in it ,but to do ...

drek-mu by Associate II
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Using USB CDC to send float data

Posted on February 21, 2014 at 22:37Hi,I'working with USB to send data from my F3 Discovery to the PC. For that i used the CDC class. I managed to send few bytes of data using the routine below:uint8_t TabInt[6]={80,90,88,99,10,13};  uint8_t  *ptr_i...

STM32F103RBT6 basic requirement to load program with SWD

Posted on January 28, 2014 at 10:50Hi! I have been playing with a STM32f103rbt6 chinese board for the last few months, it's working well. I am using the SWD of my stm32F4 discovery to upload the program. Now i wanted to make my own board, so i desig...

jean2 by Associate II
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STM32F051 with SPI: no reception

Posted on March 04, 2014 at 12:10Hi,I have the SPI communication working but do not receive the answer of the slave. I can see the answer on the scope but not in the controller. Can anybody help ?My main.c/* Includes --------------------------------...
