STM32F4DISCOVERY - compatible IDEs (free)
Posted on June 14, 2015 at 20:57Noob here. Have done with with AVR 8-bit and want to move-up and try the STM32F4. Is there a free or inexpensive IDE available that is not code-limited? Thanks.
Posted on June 14, 2015 at 20:57Noob here. Have done with with AVR 8-bit and want to move-up and try the STM32F4. Is there a free or inexpensive IDE available that is not code-limited? Thanks.
Posted on May 30, 2015 at 02:47Hello, Is somebody could say me if there is some issue with ST-Link CLI to write bin file? Command doesn't take the address parameter 0x08000000 and try always to write at 0x00000000. Please see my screenshot below. Th...
Posted on June 12, 2015 at 19:08So I have an STM32 F103ZET. We use a UC1701 controller to drive a small LCD. It's attached to FSMC Bank1, 2nd section, using an 8bit wide bus. I've been able to write control data using the address 0x64000000 to direc...
Posted on June 14, 2015 at 01:30Hello, I'd like to post a work in progress, almost finished but there's still a bug I hope some will find. When executing the software with the msc class (so two classes in the same time), I get a hard fault error at...
Posted on June 12, 2015 at 12:02Hi All, I am learning how the ADCs modes are working on the ST32F4 MCU (using Olimex board). I got operational ADCs (running independently) in a single a and continuous mode. The next step is to get a coherent s...
Posted on June 12, 2015 at 18:24For access to the data SD-card from side the MCU is used a FATFs technology. From the PC side is used USB mass storage device (MSD) with direct access to data from SD-card without FAT system on the MCU. To guarantee o...
Posted on June 07, 2015 at 11:43 Dear community, I investigated the ADC_BasicExample given in the STM32F0xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.5.0 Database. I did a few changes since I want to analyze the converted value with the PC via UART. However I noticed ...
Posted on June 13, 2015 at 16:51Hi,It seems like I have gotten into a state where I can't erase memory or write to it. I only have i2c access to the bootloader. When I dump the 16 option bytes starting 0x1FFFC000, I get:0xEF 0xAA 0x10 0x55 0xEF 0xAA...
Posted on June 02, 2015 at 00:55 Hello! I have a problem with MSI clock configuration on STM32L051C6T6. I wanted to test my device with this microcontroller and I generated a simple code for Keil MDK v5 (LED blinking and USART transmission) ...
Posted on June 12, 2015 at 16:38If someone is interested in developing devices that use protocol MQTT leave some information about what I have done (... not my code boss fire me) In attachment the protocol specifications (I am sorry I forget ...