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Posted on November 17, 2015 at 06:52Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the stm32cube 4.11 v1.0 generated code for MX_SDIO_SD_Init on the stm32f429 is missing the two last lines(if 1 bit mode selected 1 line is missing, if 4 bit mode selected ...
Posted on July 23, 2015 at 15:12Hello, I am trying to transmit 64 byte increments from STM32F429 discovery board to my Win 7 pc via usb cdc hs in fs with STM32CUBE STM32F4 1.7 firmware, but I cannot get it to transmit. Transmitting 63 bytes or 65 by...
Posted on June 29, 2015 at 09:13Stm32f429 dma data width change on the fly
Posted on June 09, 2015 at 06:58Hello, I am working with stm32f429 using with a ov7670 camera with the dcmi using dma. It works fine if I do a capture into sram. I have also successfully initialized and tested the 8mb sdram @ 0xD0000000. What I wou...
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