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Check CAN on single nucleo F103

Posted on June 02, 2016 at 08:24Hi everyone.I see CAN TX interrups.I can't catch interrupt related to CAN RX just by putting jumper between PB8 and PB9 (GPIOs are remapped - double checked).Is it possible ? #bxcan #nucleo103rb #stm32 #can

Interfacing external SRAM STM32F205ZCT6

Posted on June 01, 2016 at 06:41In one of application I need to hold large amount of data in SRAM around 20MB.Which external SRAM should be used & any example code for interfacing it with STM32F205ZCT6. External SRAM required only for data holding f...

CubeMX 4.15.0 Bug Report

Posted on May 29, 2016 at 20:02When some output configured as an alternative function, the only option available is ''Alternative Function Push Pull'' but according to Ref manual (e.g. for stm32f405) the Open Drain for alternative function is also p...

megaboy2k by Associate II
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STM32F302 Clock Configuration

Posted on May 21, 2016 at 03:37I am trying to get the Clock Configuration of an STM32F302CB to work. We are using 16 MHz Oscillators. With the STM32F4 I used the clock configuration tool to generate the system_stm32xxx.c file. Unfortunately, I did n...

DMA Memory To UART5

Posted on June 25, 2012 at 15:38 Hi, I'm having an issue setting up a DMA to transfer data from a 2 element uint8_t array to UART5. The code works, but the UART only sends out the first byte and having tried lots of different thing...

dclark9 by Associate II
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Don't working USART in STM32F051K8U6

Posted on May 30, 2016 at 21:58Hello. I'm use MCU STM32F051K8U6 for simple devices.I'm had a problem when using the UART.If i'm initialize USART thus (with SPL):It freezes the microcontroller, and the program is not executed.void GPIO_Initialization...

s9 by Associate II
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STM32L1 internal EEprom (user data in NVM)

Posted on May 29, 2016 at 23:18In STM32L1 how works the internal small EEPROM? (The Data EEPROM memory block. It contains user data)For example the Page 0 0x0800 0000 - 0x0800 00FF = 256 bytes, to use it must be first erased?For write is DATA_EEPROM...