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STM32L471 TIM6 & TIM7 problem

Posted on November 21, 2016 at 15:21Hi,I seem to have issues with TIM6 and TIM7 (the enable bit seems to directly be turned to 0 when I write it to 1) in OPM (One Pulse Mode) when I have a 1.8V power supply. The timers (both) seem to operate properl...

jh2 by Associate
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STM32f030 timer 2 problem

Posted on October 15, 2016 at 14:48hii am using stm32f030, last year i wrote a program for stm32f030 that been using timer 2 but today i started to work on this MCU and i can see timer 2 is working , but i dont see timer 2 details in the data sheet ...

embedsol by Associate II
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virtual serial on USB problem STM32F103

Posted on November 12, 2016 at 02:40 ciao ..!! I use STM32F103C8Tx, my IDE is Atollic and configure the project with STM32CubeMX I wanted to try to use the virtual serial present in Cube but I have some problem. I enabled the USB Devic...

BSS and DATA size too big

Posted on November 22, 2016 at 01:38Hello I'm developing code for a STM32F031G6 on System Workbench. This microcontroller has 4KB of SRAM but after compiling my code (even with a empty main loop and nothing else declared) I get the following code si...

STM32L476VG - RTC - Vbat

Posted on September 14, 2016 at 19:08Dear Gents,I am using a STM32L476VG for my application. The RTC can be powered by Vbat provided by an external battery in case that VDD drops off. In this mode, when the MCU is powered by Vbat, only the RTC works...

mejrissi by Associate II
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Slave/Master? Sm-Bus

Posted on November 21, 2016 at 13:54Hey, is it possible to use the I2C-SM-Bus-Modul as Slave or Master? I want use one I2C-Module as SM-Bus Slave and a other as Master.