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Resolved! STM32 F3 Discovery with GPIO E configure issue

Posted on July 14, 2017 at 07:58I just bought STM32 MCU Discovery Kits and want to set PE3, PE4, PE5, PE8 as GPIO output.I made the codes via STM32CubeMX and downloaded it to the board successfully.But I found PE4 adn PE5 configure fail, while PE3 a...

Help with starting USB on STM32F407

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 09:16Hello! I bought evaluation board: stm32f407discoveryI want to communicate stm32f407discovery with PC through USB cable through virtual com-portI use Keil as IDE.Where can I find example project to start working with u...

Input capture

Posted on July 07, 2017 at 17:44 Input capture Interrupt ignored. Hi all. I have an STM32F429II. I am trying simply to use the input capture functionality for an external signal that pulses with 200 ms period. The issue is that can't see the in...

Probelms whit sleep mode on stm32L053

Posted on July 11, 2017 at 20:52Hi, I'm new whit this micro-controller and i have problems to enter in sleep mode on my board, i'm using systemworkbench based on eclipse and generate code whit stm32cubemx.  I've trying whit hal_pwr_entersleepmode fu...

Resolved! STM32F031 uart bootloader write command

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 18:00I am using a STM32F031 micro and app note AN3155, using the built in UART bootloader on serial pins A9 and A10.  I wish to write sixteen bytes of zeros to an address near the start of flash, 0x08000010.  Referencing p...


Resolved! Bypass config for L476RGNucleo crashes

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 02:31Cannot get HSE Bypass to work for L476 Nucleo board, when 446RE Nucleo and F103RB Nucleo work fine.this stm32cubemx generated code spins in the _Error_Handler. Im thinking a bug in stm32l4xx_hal_rcc.c so far.  RCC_Osc...

Unterminated quoted string

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 16:58Hi, i'm setting up Eclipse with GNU ARM Cross Compiler.I made a simple Projekt ('blaccleds') with an STM32L0 Controller and the STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver-Package.I get the following Console-Output with an Error Message whe...

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Resolved! FIFO in UART of STM32F767

Posted on July 13, 2017 at 15:57Hello All,I wanted to know if the STM32F767, supports FIFO for the UART module? If yes, what is the size.I need the FIFO details for configuring the Hardware flow control.regards,Hemanth#uart #stm32f7 #fifo