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Forum Posts

Resolved! Frequency range of LSI for STM32L072CB

Hello,according to the datasheet of STM32L072CB there is a margin of controllers which have at 26kHz@Xx°C or 56kHz@Xx°C (first row of table)?So in total there is a production margin (26kHz to 56kHz) and additionally a temperature drift during run tim...


STM32H743ZI CAN not working

I am trying to use the STM32H743I-EVAL FDCAN_Com_IT example code to run CAN on STM32H743ZIT6. I am trying to transmit at regular intervals. When I look the signals on a scope, the TXD goes low for just a bit interval and then remains high. Here is m...

LL SPI DMA incorrect data with two F767

hi i have simple code for send some data from one master 767 to other slavein master data will send in 2khz rate and 80 byte length but data in slave not completely correct on Rx buffer one data ok and next not, until end of buffer that repeated (for...

MacLaren by Associate III
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Correct value of systick

Hello everyone, I write here to know if someone can help me,how to be sure the systick value is good ? be sure that 5 seconds are well done ?thanks to help me !

ABras.1 by Associate II
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