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Forum Posts

How to make multiplications faster in STM32G series

Hi,when I took two variables and perform a multiplication between them with the STM32CubeIDE, the multiplication itself its made automatically with the multiplier module in the fastest way or there is something I need to do/configure to make it faste...

DKuro.1 by Associate III
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Proper method to know function under interrupt

Hi,​Currently, I am looking for the method to detect this function is under ISR or not.And I found that there has two snipset code,<Example 1>uint8_t isUnderInterrupt(void){ uint8_t status = THREAD_MODE; if (SCB->ICSR & SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk)  {...

GChen.6 by Associate
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Migrate STM32F765VIT6 to STM32H743VIT6 QSPI Fail

I am migrating from STM32F765VIT6 to STM32H743VIT6But I can't use QSPI with W25Q512, With F765 OK, but with H743 it returns unsupported device.void MX_QUADSPI_Init (void){  hqspi.Instance = QUADSPI;  hqspi.Init.ClockPrescaler = 2;  hqspi.Init.FifoThr...

RDos by Associate II
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Hi, I am using a STM32F7508-DK board and I would like to use the following setup: use only one project instead of building and flashing 2 separate projects, is it possible?

As I said in the description, I would like use only one project instead of using 2 projects and. I've tried to use a single linker file and split it after the build using objcopy to obtain 2 separate binaries for internal and external flash, with no ...

VPope.1 by Associate II
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STM32 F4 Timer Input capture

Dear community,I am trying to use a timer to see if there is no activity on a data line. However, it works not as expected. As you can see in the picture, the timer (yellow) gets interrupts when the signal line (pink) is changing. But no interrupt, w...

SSchu.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! Code doesn't execute after upload

I am using stm32G031K8 nucleo board. The board was working well, it started to reset itself continuously for some time, I could only see my uart message that says started, every time I erased the code and upload previously working versions. Then it s...

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kb24 by Senior
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