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Forum Posts

New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


STM32F103C8 SysTick initialisation issue

Hi,I am using STM32F103C8T6 Blue pill board, STM32 CubeIDE 1.16.0, Build: 21983_20240628_1741 (UTC) on Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS and ST Link v2 debugger. I am able to upload code, execute it and debug it via SWD.I am using CubeIDE's Pinout & configuration u...



HII am using stm32f429 microcontroller for receiving 14000 byte packet continuously in TCP in Raw tcp.I am using LWIP 2.1.2 version for this .My packet gets received one or two times sometimes continuously receiving 14000 byte packet i have choosen u...

MGOEL.1 by Associate II
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I2C clock not working

Hi everybody !! i have an issue on I2C with a STM32 issue. i thought this was a code issue but in the main i also make LEDs blinking and it works, only the I2C doesn't work but... i noticed that my lines both rise to 3.3V but never fall down it just ...

Tendo by Associate
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External interupt

Hi all, I currently work on STM32F030K6 .I am working with a reed switch connected to pin PA8 (EXTI8).I havec onfigured the PIN like : "external Interrupt Mode rising/falling ....I need to perform an action on the rising edge AND on the falling edge....

JJoao.1 by Associate II
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SPI MISO "broken" after a while

Hello,I have a Nucleo-F439ZI as SPI master connected to four Nucleo-F030R8 SPI slaves.Initially, the SPI communication was working perfectly fine. But after a while, the master received only zeros on MISO line even though, the slaves where sending da...

STM32G030 is support I2C master?

Have an issue with connection I2C sensor to STM32G030 chip.  Function HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady alvais return HAL_ERROR.  Looks like this controller are not support I2C master, but documentation said: Features of the I2C peripheral: I2C-bus specification...

Bigdan by Visitor
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Resolved! Store values in STM32G0 internal flash

(was initially a reply to I am store variable in flash adders and after reset read but variable values is not store in flash adders.& using stm32g030f6p6 microc...
