STM32CubeMX (MCUs)

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Forum Posts

STM32CubeMX 6.14.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 6.14.0 of STM32CubeMX is available. What is new in 6.14.0: Added the support for the STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers and:Added the support for USBX multi-instanceAdded the support for the memory management to...

Resolved! USB HS clocks not started from CubeMX 6.13 onwards

I am using the STM32F723 with custom, self-powered PCB interfaced to a host using USB HS. Everything worked fine with with CubeMX 6.12, but after upgrading to more recent versions, I noticed that the following functions are no longer generated within...

LucaP by Associate II
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STM32CubeMxLauncher.exe Cannot Find CubeMX

I'm using the latest versions of Keil uVision and STM32CubeMX but when I try to run the CubeMX from the Run-Time Environment screen of Keil, I'm facing with "Error instantiating RTE components" and "Error #545" errors.I think, Keil cannot run the Cub...

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CubeMx does not configure FileX properly - Bugs

There are 3 bugs reported here:Bug 1:In the FileX parameters GUI, under SRAM Disk Driver: The range for the "SRAM Disk Size" is wrong.  The Address space allows for 256MBytes, not 256KBytes.Workaround - After CubeMX regenerates the code, I have to ch...

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matt-crc by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C speed problems

Hi everyone,I’m currently working on an I2C communication setup using the Nucleo-H753ZI DK but the cubeMx document is for the STM32H743BIT (the MCU for my custom board) and aiming to run it in Fast Mode (400 kHz). However, when configuring the I2C cl...

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JonConesa by Associate III
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Generating CMake project using NetXDuo is broken

When generating a CMake project using NetXDuo with lan8742 as phy driver and DHCP Client enabled, the necessary includes for the lan8742 bsp component and the dhcp client addon are missing from the CMake build configuration.However when using the STM...

CUBEIDE Bug in RTC Generation

Hello,In CubeIDE I try to generate RTC code which has decimal parameters. However in code generation I realized that it converted to hex value by itself.You can check screen shots in the attachment. 

CubeMx MAJOR BUG in UsbX configuration....

I'm using ThreadX on a STM32H743 MCU.  I'm trying to setup a USB Host_only on the USB_HS device, and a USB Device_only device on USB_FS.  The peripheral configuration is okIn the AzRtos settings, it defines 2 seperate byte_pools for each device (one ...

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matt-crc by Associate III
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Abnormal behaviour with STM32CubeMX

Hello, Hope you're well. I started a project with CubeMX to use makefiles. I am able to compile and flash to the board but the code does not run properly on the f4 discovery board. To debug, I used Keil on a windows system and the code is actually wo...

daded.1 by Associate II
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